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Current Events:


To stay up to date with
our events,
join our email list here:

September 14-                       

GoldenFest®:  By the late 1990s German Octoberfest had died off in Golden. The general population yearned for a beerfest and the owners' of GCB were looking for a way to give back to the community;  GoldenFest® was born.  Join us to support the (mostly volunteer) Golden Fire- Rescue Department!

October 12th- Join GCB and 12 ChiliChefs as they compete for Best Chili in Golden and win Beer for a year!  This fundraiser is to support the food pantry at the Golden CAG.

1ChiliFest 2024.png

Fundraiser for the CAG Food Pantry
To Sign up email

Where the West Drinks!

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